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95 Experts Call For Investments in Early Education

Researchers, scientists and academics specializing in child development join Massachusetts Fair Share in calling to invest in early education to help children thrive

We at Massachusetts Fair Share have recruited the support of 95 education experts who support increases in quality and access to early childhood education in Massachusetts as being justified by the research.

Massachusetts should lead on education, but when it comes to early education, we’ve fallen behind.

Welcome news: Gov. Baker calls for $28 Million for early ed workforce

On March 30, Gov. Charlie Baker announced that he requested some $28 million in found money to be directed to early educators through an increase in the reimbursement rate for subsidized early education and care.

This is welcome news. The release of unspent money to directly address one of the biggest issues affecting early education and child care in Massachusetts is real progress.

We have questions about why this money was budgeted but not spent previously, but are grateful that early educators could see their wages stabilized.

It's clear that the political environment around early

Look Into Corporate Tax Subsidies and Loopholes Before 9C Cuts

Statement by Nathan Proctor, State Director of Massachusetts Fair Share. Contact at 203-522-3860. 

"Facing yet another revenue shortfall and unexpected cuts, lawmakers have difficult decisions to make. But among them is an easy one: let's address the rising cost of corporate tax subsidies and tax loopholes.

"Today, the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center released a new study which details how the cost to the state from special business tax break spending has nearly tripled since 1996. Adjusting for inflation, the price tag has skyrocketed from $370 million in 1996 to over $1 billion

The “Child Care Dance” and why we need reform

Post by Chloe Sasson

“We thought we were doing everything right,” said Jenny, a young mom and Fair Share supporter. “We thought we were so ahead of things, we had even started a college fund, but … no one told us what we needed was a child care savings fund!”

Few things compare to the joy of seeing your kid learn, grow and succeed. And few things compare to the amount of work and sacrifice of parenting young children.

And while young parents like Jenny try to prepare for parenthood, the challenges of arranging and paying for trustworthy child care (which averages nearly a fifth of household

In Mass., 1,100 and counting call for reversal of early education cuts

Community members have expressed frustration in response to Governor Charlie Baker vetoing $17.5 million in funding to early education, including a much needed $7.5 million to the struggling workforce. A petition that has garnered over 1100 supporters in just the last 2 days from across the state will be delivered to The Massachusetts State House and State Senate in an effort to push legislators to override Gov. Baker’s targeted line item cuts to early education funding.

Since 2001, early education and out-of-school-time programs have lost more than $148 million in state funding (adjusting
