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ACTION: Wall Street reform at risk

We all know what can happen on Wall Street if there are no rules and no accountability.

That's why Fair Share supports the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Consumer Bureau) -- to watch out for predatory and deceptive behavior in the financial industry. And it's working. It has returned $12 billion to 27 million Americans who were victimized by shady lending or financial trickery.

Some in Congress are pushing to shut down the CFPB. But if we can get just 41 votes to protect the agency, we can create a firewall in the Senate.

Take a quick moment to email your senators, telling


Fair Share speaks out against Rep. Delaney's Corporate Giveaways

Rep. John Delaney (D-MD) is putting forward two bills, “Partnership to Build America Act” and the “Infrastructure 2.0 Act,” which are tax giveaways posing as infrastructure spending.

Fair Share is joining with our allies at FACT to oppose these bills, and call for real reform that evens out the tilted playing field of corporate taxes, not makes it worse.

Already, our loophole-ridden corporate tax code is rigged for big companies and their armies of tax lawyers.


STATEMENT: Congress Scraps Anti-Corruption Measure

On Feb. 3, 2017, the Senate voted 52-48 to scrap a rule designed to prevent oil companies from bribing foreign officials. Referred to as the Cardin-Lugar transparency provision, the rule required U.S.-listed drilling and mining companies including Exxon, Chevron and many others to publish details of their payments to governments across the world in return for rights to natural resources, with the goal of ending corruption. Fair Share's Nathan Proctor had this statement:

"We cannot tolerate a society where the rules only apply to some, but not the most powerful companies.


6 ways the Senate Democrats' infrastructure plan will work better than President Trump's

The Trump White House previewed part of their infrastructure, and Senate Democrats have countered with a plan on its own.

While we don't know exactly what the administration is planning, during the campaign they offered an overview of a plan that focused on tax breaks for private developers. Over the last few days, a list of possible projects was leaked which appear to be at odds with that earlier overview.

Fair Share supports investing in infrastructure, prioritizing repair, maintenance, long-term sustainability and expanding access to economic opportunities.

House Report Recommends Against "Gutting" Food Assistance

Anti-hunger advocates were relieved to hear that our message that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is working is getting through to Congress. This week, the House released a report on a two-year, top-to-bottom review of SNAP and found that the program is effective and necessary.

In an statement published at Politico, House Agriculture Committee Chair Mike Conway (R-Texas) said "You will find nothing in this report that suggests gutting SNAP or getting rid of a program that does so much to serve so many."

This represents somewhat of a reversal on previous statements, which

