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Hunger advocates oppose attempt to gut school lunch program

The House Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) bill, H.R. 5003, was voted out of the House Education and the Workforce Committee on May 18. Among the provisions opposed by Fair Share (read our statement here), is a new plan to create a three-state block grant proposal for the school meal programs.

Fair Share has joined our national allies, including FRAC, to repsond to these attacks on school meals, and any effort that would lead students to be more likely to sitting in classes hungry.


A step backward in the fight against child hunger

As it currently stands, the Child Nutrition Act reauthorization bill (HR 5003), significantly undermines progress in addressing the problem of childhood hunger in America. When kids are hungry, they struggle to learn. When kids don't learn, they struggle in life. Still, 16 million American kids are at risk of going hungry every day. That’s 1 out of every 5 kids. We can and we must do better. But the legislation the Education and Workforce advanced on May 18 will make the issue worse.

Pfizer Inversion Stalled By Treasury Action

Pfizer, the giant drug company, was on the verge of finishing a move that would allow it to dodge some $35 billion in taxes, known as an "inversion" ... but the U.S. Treasury issued a new rule which caused Pfizer to cancel its planned inversion merger. After Fair Share, in coalition with groups across the country, called for new Treasury action, they responded this week by issuing the new rule. Fair Share members sent in thousands of comments in support, and Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of groups working to make the tax code more fair, together reached more than 120,000 comments.
